Sera Waters speaks with the Bordertown Chronicle about the unveiling of the project Telling Tales, a joint venture between Ms Waters, artist Jo Fife, the Riddoch Art and Cultural Centre, Country Arts SA and Walkway Gallery. This announcement was made at the launch of Waters’ touring exhibition Domestic Arts at Walkway Gallery, Bordertown, on July 9th.
“It’s about domestic tales, family histories and how they haven’t always had a spot in Australia’s official history, so I am trying to bring those back into the narrative,” she said.
“I think there are so many fascinating tales that come out of people’s family histories and also the material stuff in there as well – It’s the materials that are at hand, we are so familiar with them, and we know them, and they are powerful materials.
“These are all family stories in one way or another – my mum was a great family historian, but they speak to other people’s families.“It’s all kind of knotty and tangled – we’re all entangled with each other in some way or another.” – Sera Waters
Click here to read the full article.
The exhibition Domestic Arts on showing at Walkway Gallery until August 29th, 2021. The collaborative Telling Tales work can be viewed at the Tatiara Civic Centre until September 5th.

Sera Waters, Sternum: containing, 2017, found bedspread, hand-dyed bed sheets, cotton, stuffing, rope, found handles, 300 x 150 cm approx. Photography by Grant Hancock.